The Iain Nicolson Centre was refurbished in 2017 with significant investment in the venue. A fully refurbished spin studio and state of the art gym equipment as well as a fitness studio means that the venue is perfect for your health & fitness needs!
A multi-purpose sprung sports hall caters for a number of sports from badminton to 5-a-side football and a host of other indoor sports. Work out in the modern gym featuring a mixture of cardiovascular and resistance equipment. From LBT to Metafit, Yoga to Body Pump, Iain Nicolson Recreation Centre has a number of health and fitness classes at all times of day to meet your needs.
New to fitness and wondering what the difference is between Metafit and Body Pump? Visit our Health and Fitness section for class descriptions or talk to a member of our team who'll be happy to help you find the right work out for you.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Iain Nicolson Recreation Centre.
New Sports Facilities – Key Information for Customers
Late December 2026
The Iain Nicolson Recreation Centre will relocate to a “sports hub” for the local community, bringing together enhanced outdoor provision and increased indoor provision.
The new facilities will provide increased access to sports and fitness spaces outwith school hours, while the most used spaces, the fitness studio and conditioning room, will also be available to the community during the school day.
Exciting New Facilities Available Soon
• A new conditioning room and fitness studio will be available for community.
• 3G Synthetic 11-aside pitch
• 3G Synthetic 9-aside pitch
• Two large sports halls (4 badminton courts each)
• Conditioning room
• Fitness studio
We will keep the local community up to date as the development progresses, which is due to be completed by December 2026. The Iain Nicholson Recreation Centre will remain open until the new sports hub is available.