Armed Forces & Veterans

Active NL supports all Veterans receiving a war pension and members of the Armed Forces. We have a number of reduced-rate membership options for both Veterans and Armed Forces personnel which ensure they have access to a range of health and fitness facilities across North Lanarkshire.;

Some of the options open to Veterans receiving a war pension and Armed Forces members are listed below:


- All those receiving a war pension can qualify for an active health membership. This gives them 12 weeks free with Active NL followed by 3 months at a reduced rate of only £10 per month.

- All those receiving a war pension are also eligible for our concession rate of £24 per month when the active health membership finished. This membership gives them full access to all Active NL venues and facilities and represents a saving of up to £13 per month.

Armed Forces Personnel

Armed forces personnel receive the following 2 options:

- Armed Forces personnel qualify for the Corporate rate membership of £30 per month. This gives them full access to all Active NL venues and facilities and saves them £5 per month.

- Armed Forces personnel can also access the Active NL weekly pass (available to personnel on active duty) for just £8 per week. This is available for up to 8 weeks.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of our friendly membership team about any of the options above please call 01236 341969 or alternatively email